
Get Access to Clean and Safe Drinking Water wit...

Water scarcity can be a real issue during certain period. At times, it is not possible to get access to clean and safe drinking water. Be Ready is an initiative...

Get Access to Clean and Safe Drinking Water wit...

Water scarcity can be a real issue during certain period. At times, it is not possible to get access to clean and safe drinking water. Be Ready is an initiative...

Be Ready changes its look after 25 years

We've got a whole new look to our logo. Our emergency blankets, 72-hour kits, water filters, etc. will now be sporting this logo.  We hope you like it, because you'll...

Be Ready changes its look after 25 years

We've got a whole new look to our logo. Our emergency blankets, 72-hour kits, water filters, etc. will now be sporting this logo.  We hope you like it, because you'll...