Secure Your Life in Emergency

You can find us when you need us the most. We all hate but have to admit that after an emergency, one needs to survive independently for a few to many days. During such a crisis time, one needs to be equipped with all the essentials so that survival does not become a challenge. You need to have sufficient stock of food, water, and other necessary supplies to last for several days. Disaster preparedness supplies kit is a collection of these essential items your family would need at an emergency time.
Of late, we are seeing a lot of natural disasters America is going through.Floods,
Earthquake, Hurricane, and whatnot. We suggest you keep your kit ready with the items on the checklist below. These items are very critical to have during an emergency and are inexpensive.
Supply kit checklist
You must have an emergency supply kit that can include the following items.
• Water – Usually, one gallon is needed per person for one day, and you must stock at
least for three days. You can do the math basis your family member count.
• Food – You need to stock non-perishable food for at least three days per family
• Batter with inbuilt radio.
• Flashlight.
• First Aid Kit.
• Whistle (to call or signal for help).
• Plastic Tent and Tape to create a shelter during an emergency.
• Mast to filter polluted air.
• Power Bank and Cell phone Battery Backups.
We recommend to store this kit in airtight plastic bags and keep this entire supply in one or two easy to carry bag.
Since the year 2020 is very different from other years, the CDC has recommended keeping additional items in your emergency kit to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus and other flu. You must consider these supplementary items as well as part of your supply kit.
• Hand Sanitizer.
• Disinfecting wipes to clean any surface.
• Mask.
• Soap.
• Extra Cash or cheques.
• Insurance, Licence, and Bank documents saved electronically or in a waterproof
• Sturdy Shoes.
• Match Box or Lighter in a waterproof container.
• Warm Blanket for each family member.
• Fire Extinguisher.
• Use and throw plastic cups and plates.
One can survive without food for a moment but cannot without water. We have best in class emergency water storage and filtration. AquaPail™ is designed in such a way that it removes or deactivates virtually all the harmful and impurity substances from any non-salt water source. The filter process just takes a few minutes, and you have toxic bacteria, virus-free water to consume. This product is certified to remove or filter 99.999% of viruses for up to 550 gallons and safely filter out 99.9999% bacteria and 99.99% of giardia and cryptosporidium for up to 700 gallons from highly contaminated water.
Get your Disaster preparedness supplies today.
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